The Vampire stands
Seductive, coy
hands outstretched
in majestic destruction
Her appetite insatiable
veins split open
spewing acid rain
scarlet poison
Her smile
Her lustful stare
Greedily sucking life from Gaia
filtering fish from rivers
With a rib bone
picking whale bones from her teeth
Her smog fouled breath
turns rain to acid
Her silky venomous touch
fells the ancient guardians
Blowing Cap and Trade
to shores beyond
Fools thinking air,
oceans are
magically compartmentalize
no boundaries recognized
But in the meantime
let the poor suffer
as they always have suffered
always will suffer
The world,
her slave
has gone gray
Colors muted
weary waves break hallow
Music soundless
replaced by cruel laughter
Hues clueless to
The ability to awe
A world gone gray
except for the child
Runs for the joy of running
Laughs for the pleasure of joy
When lights dim
and man’s cruelty
or indifference
Overwhelms our capacity
for hope
Love of children
anoints hope
They honor us with
their presence
their innocence
their right to exist
reason enough why
We fight for a better day